Thursday, March 3, 2011

State Patty's Day

With State Patty's Day this weekend, it was very hard to get much work done. I had to work a bake sale from 1-5 downtown and after that I had planned on getting work done, but I just couldn't. The bake sale was tiring from standing out in the cold for 4 hours, screaming to try to get everyone to buy baked good, which were very appealing to them in their state of mind. Plus, after seeing everyone out and about, my friend and I just could not buckle down and force ourselves to do homework. I had a lot of work to do this week too with two exams and an essay due, so this week was a little rough.

Even though Spring break was coming up and I really wanted to try to see all my friends as much as possible before going home, I had to get my work done and put a lot of time into studying. It was hard at times, but knowing that at the end of the week it would all be over and I'd be able to go home and relax made doing the work a lot easier. A lot of my friends also had a lot of exams and other work too so we just banded together and got it done. We took short little study breaks to keep our sanity, and instead of going to the gym which can take a lot of time, we just did a short ab workout in our room. Doing a short workout doesn't take long and it makes you feel better so taking a break from studying to even just do 50 crunches is very helpful. It is impossible to pay attention and retain the information you are studying if you study without a break for more than about an hour straight. I got all my work done, I just need to edit my english paper, and it feels great. So just remember you will get through all your work, just do what you need to keep yourself from getting too stressed.


  1. Good job getting through everything! It's important to keep sight of everything you need to get done, and it sounds like you did a great job. Also, the mini workout breaks sound like a really good idea.

    One more day 'til break!

  2. Dang girl that takes dedication- good for you! I agree with Kaylee, the study break idea was a good one. Usually my friends and I just go to one of the dining halls when we need a break, and I'll definitely start suggesting your idea as an alternative. Good work ethic!

  3. It sounds like you have one of the best work ethics of anyone that I know. I love hearing your suggestions because they really do seem to work and I like trying to incorporate them into my own routine. You definitely deserve a relaxing Spring Break!

  4. Jaclyn,

    Great job! I've learned that finding the right study spot on campus can make all the difference. I like the bridge in the life sciences building. :) Now you can relax and enjoy your spring break, you deserve it!


  5. Great job on finding a way to time manage everything. It sounds like you have a very busy schedule. I too find that short little breaks can be helpful when studying. Good luck with everything!
