Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Everything at Once!

This has just been one of those weeks, as I'm sure it has been for many others. All kinds of exams and papers and lab reports and speeches are all piled and and due in the same week. Sometimes when a week like this comes it is necessary to drop everything else and just get your school work done. When you have an extrmemely large amount of work like that sometimes it does not even help to go to the gym because going the all you can think about the entire time is what homework you could be getting done. Rather than stress yourself out more, take a few days off from the gym because it won;t hurt. It can even be good for your body to take a couple days off from the gym every once in a while because your body needs time to repair itself. Skipping a few days during the week will alow your muscles to heal and then you can be back and even stronger the next time you go to the gym.

When youhave a very sressful week with big grades in all your classes it is also a good idea to skip going out at least one of the days on the weekend. Instead go to the gym one of the nights, especially after skipping during the week. Then you will feel better when you wake up the next mornng and you will be a lot more productive. After going out it can take you until like one or two in the afternoon to really feel well enough to get work done efficiently, so rather than waste time, just don't go out one night and get some extra work done, get a work out in, and then be productive the next morning and it will make you feel so much better because you accomplihed something.

This weekend especially is important to do something other than go out because its THON weekend!! Put your time to that if you need a break from homework. Fom what I hear it is life changing and definately worth your time. Canning alone had an impact on my life so the actual THON event I'm sure will be extremely influential.

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