Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finals week is approaching!

Although it feels like finals are forever away with another whole week of classes left after this week, they are approaching must faster than you are anticipating. There is never as much time to study before finals week as you think there is. It is not effective to study just the weekend before finals like many people choose to do. The best way to truly be prepared for finals is to start studying now. It is not necessary at this point to be doing practice exams and hours after hours of studying, but start by reading over your noted from the beggining of the semester for about 15 minutes a night. If start to look over the stuff that you haven't thought about for over a month it will come back to you much more easily ten if you try to cram the weekend before finals week.
You may not feel like you have time for something like that when all of your classes are assigning final projects and homework assignments, but it will make your life so much easier during finals week so it really is worth it! Why not add a little extra stress on now so you aren't as stressed during finals week right? But really it will also help you to retain the material a lot better if you begin to reveiw it ahead of time. Our brains are not capable of remembering information that is coming in for hours straight which is exactly what ends up happening if you wait to study until the weekend before finals.
Finals week is also the last time you wil have to spend time with your friends before summer so wouldn't you like to have more free time then? On top of having free time, I'm sure you would be more enjoyable to be around if you aren't stressing about the cramming you need to do. So do yourself a favor and start preparing for finals now. It will make your last week of freshmen year at Penn State a lot more enjoyable and you will do better on your finals on top of it!

1 comment:

  1. I always tell myself that i am going to start reviewing weeks before exams but I rarely do. I've tried to take your advice and keep on top of the information and do a little studying every night. I hope that it works - good luck on your finals!
